Thursday, March 27, 2008

MAYA - the magic word

We happened to have a beautiful discussion today at the Maharishi garden. The topic was on "MAYA". Maharishi often used to refer to state of nothingness from which everything else arises. The quality of misunderstanding this state of nothingness as nothingness alone and misconceiving the quality of potentially latent memories and emergence of everything in a nutshell is referred to as "MAYA". The perceiver of this process, where he believes something, perhaps a part of which and is not aware of the rest is incomplete and fragmented is as well "Ignorant".The Knowledge is the sword that cuts aside ignorance.Knowledge is that which eradicates the concept of MAYA from the seer or perciever. He becomes pure and clearer like that of the clear water being filtered and obtained from muddy water. His knowledge of truth and reality gets more and more refined and results in pure thinking, which is the thinking, devoid of MAYA(that which is not). He sees the reality,the reality alone and he is free from duality, free from wrong perception and hence he detaches himself spontaneously from the experience of MAYA. He understands that he is not what he had percieved to be but he is beyond the vision of perceptions. He finds himself being hidden from different states and surface levels of consciousness - the waking, dreaming and sleeping states of consciousness and he understands his true nature which is nothing but the very self, the transcendental self.

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