Thursday, September 27, 2007

"ATMA - The Living Reality"

Making the Atma a living reality 'Everything is there in the Atma. It has to be intellectually investigated, decided, and made a living reality. And this is living that one ordainment of the Vedic [knowledge]: Atma va are Drashtavyah Shrotavyah Mantavyah Nididhyasitavyah; Atma va are shrotavyah : ''Atma is worthy of hearing.'' You hear about Atma from the embodiment of Atma, the embodiment of Brahm, Guru Dev. 'Atma va are drashtavyah: ''You see it, you see it. You see the unseen, intellectually comprehend it.'' Atma va are drashtavyah shrotavyah mantavyah: we get down to this level of the senses, and the level of the mind, Mantavyah. Nididhyasitavyah, and the level of intellect where you can distinguish and decide; and the level of Being where you rise to Aham Vishvam , ''I am the Vishva, I am the universe.''


Vi said...

Yes, Everything within us. We can find those. But Nothing can be achieved without loss. We can understand lot, But...

SpIrItUaL SaTsAnG said...


Thanks for the post. You had just made a small mistake. Actually it should have been "Nothing" - can be achieved without loss. It is all how we look at it, vijay. Anyhow keep posting. You are welcome to send me any interesting posts to put. Thanks.