Saturday, September 29, 2007

"True Health & True Healing"

True Health is simply that disposition of perfect Awakening in which the conditions of the body-mind are no longer encumbrances, but they exist essentially in their natural state, no longer having the power to delude the consciousness or apparently separate it from the intuition of the Truth of its own condition. The consideration of health is only secondarily about physical well-being. It is primarily about God-Communion, or realizing the disposition that is utterly free of the limitations of the mechanics of the body-mind, left and right and at the center. It is essentially a matter of whole body Awakening, in which the Transcendental Disposition stands free. That is true health. It is also Bodily Enlightenment. Enlightenment and true health are the same thing.

True healing must involve the one being healed, so that after the healing takes place, he enjoys a greater level of responsibility for his total psycho-physical life. Any process that does not involve such a transformation of the one being healed is not really healing at all. It may have removed some symptoms for a while, so that the individual can return to the activities of his ordinary life, but unless he has realized a new level of responsibility, he will only do the same things he did before. He will develop another symptom, and another, and finally one that will kill him.

- Avatar Adi Da Samraj

1 comment:

Robin Temple said...

Thank you for posting such an inspiring and instructive quotation about health and healing from Adi Da Samraj.
I have also been studying Adi Da's Wisdom on health for many years and it has really helped me, as someone involved in healing, to understand true health in a much greater context.
