Monday, October 1, 2007

"Void Of Nothingness"

Perhaps when Sakyamuni or Gautama the Buddha said that there is total extinction of all phenomenal traits -- the blowing out into complete nothingness at the very grossest state, it could mean that when there is a tremendous gravitational urge in the cosmos.

The atoms themselves, due to the intense unimaginable gravity are pushed out of existence. Science is now proving it. This is the paradigm shift where the last quark atom is split up into electrons, protons, neutrons, lifetrons, positrons, and thoughtrons. I further go and say that God thought is subtler than that, to shut the scientists up, because ultimately there can be nothing subtler than God thought. God thought was the thought of all thought and so minute, uniform and subtle were it in it's smallness of being that it was the vastidity of creation. That's how mad it gets. All scientists, quantum and cosmological, speak of this paradox. They have to speak in paradoxes. Absolute light is total darkness. Total darkness is absolute light. If there is a blinding flash you get total darkness. So this pushing out of the atoms by the intense force of gravity is taking the quantum leap -- the paradigm shift from something to the nothing. Still nothing can ever come back to something but nevertheless the nothing is always producing the something. Have you got me clear?

Just understand it at an intellectual level because it is too awesome a concept. God is too awesome a concept to understand and realize.

- Swami Gurunath


SDW said...

jus for analogy purpose if v tak "Black hole" where everthing goes in to it formin nothing...b'coz of intense gravitational pull..

at the time of dissolution....everything will disappear to become nothing...

but everything cannot come out itself from needs a subtle force to create ...

so ther is this everthing being created from nothing...
this nothin is actually not nothing..but a subtler form of God's Thought..which is ultimately everything :)

Does this make any sense at all...

SpIrItUaL SaTsAnG said...


Science says that when there is "nothing" or say just a space, a "vaccuum" spontaneously gets created. This we call it to be natural process. Nothingness is not directly involved with the state of vaccuum. But a vaccuum cannot get created without nothingness- "a space". Though the space is not involved - a state of detachment. but it is understood that without it even vaccuum cannot be created. This nothingness is 'Brahm". Therefore "Nothing is just nothing and everything is just everything" But though everything creates itself, but cannot miss out nothing." This is in line with the concept of Purusha, prakrithi and purushottam as described in the Vedas.

SDW said...

Thanks for the Excellent comments!

As u said Nothing is Nothing & Every thing is Everything...Though Everything creates cannot miss out nothing-Brahm, i.e Brahm is part & parcel of everything.

Now I want to know how Everything Creates itself? Does Everything has its own power to create itself? If yes, then why is not Everything - Every where in this Universe?
Who governs what is universe today? how it wil become tommorow & on what basis?

SpIrItUaL SaTsAnG said...

Sundar said,

Now I want to know how Everything Creates itself?

Spiritual satsang says

It is by nature, it creates itself. Infact it has to create itself and thats the law.This Maharishi calls as the
"Natural Intelligence". Instead of the word "creation", the appropriate word
could be used as "expression" in this context, for us to understand
more vividly. In simpler sense Nothingness expresses in different forms.

Sundar said,

Does Everything has its own power to create itself? If yes, then why
is not Everything - Everywhere in this Universe?

Spiritual satsang says

It is through the Sense and long conditioning of our own belief system
that everything appears to be "versified" in universe. This is from
one angle. The actual truth is present in the very root of
"everything". In the vedic faith, there is a term expressed as
"vyakaran", which is one of the quality of the self referral
intelligence of the natural law, handling the expansion process of
this universe.

Sundar Said,

Who governs- what is universe today? How it will become tommorow & on what basis?

Broadly, it is the permutation combination of the 3 gunas, which
governs the universe. existence of "Today" & evolution of "Tomorrow"
is a natural process of expression, expansion and completion. It is
governed by the natural law, which is self-referral-intelligence itself. The
entire process is based on the factor - "time"(if for a short period) or "Yuga"
(when the period is Long). "Tomorrow" is not always tomorrow. It
becomes today based on the time factor. Today becomes previous day,
again based on the time factor. Since it is a natural phenomenon for
the gunas to frequently change, the same result is also seen wit respect to day and night, change of day and change of night, today and tomorrow
and so on. There are two realities in life for us to intellectually understand" The ever
changing relative reality and the never changing absolute reality."
This is the "svabhava" or "nature" of life

SDW said...

Firstly...I would like to confess that I hav not read much of Maharishi ji's books & as my present mind perceives fails to accept that everything is governed by Natural Intelligence. even for a life to be born in this world , it has to hav many suitable conditions..even if one of these condition is not met..the life may not be 'expressed'.if such is the case how can one successfully argue everything gets created(expressed) only according to Nature's Law? Nowadays - Kali Yuga..not even 10% abide & live according to the "Natural Law" does nature balance such unstable conditions?

one more thing is any law holds good only within a boundary..for of gravity will not work outside of relativity will not work for normal speed & size...but how can one justify..that Law of Natural Intelligence alone can handle such a gross act as creation, maintenance & disolution at the same time subtle things like vibration, positive

will it not be true , if I say that Law of Nature is Manipulated accordingly to explain such contrasting natures? ( I sincerely hope I should be proved wrong here)
but I require a unbiased answer

There are two realities in life for us to intellectually understand" The ever
changing relative reality and the never changing absolute reality."
-EXACTLY...but isn't the everchanging relative reality governed by never changing absolute reality?...
this is the missing link that i'm failing to perceive.

SpIrItUaL SaTsAnG said...

Dear Sundar,

Let me try to explain this..

First we should understand, what this Natural Law all about. The natural law is nothing but to uphold "Dharma" or "righteousness". It is necessary for everyone for upholding Dharma and that is why it is said that whenever there comes a sign of righteousness in decline, there results in destructions and calamities. Now science still have not unanimously agreed on this understanding. Because, it is certainly beyond human understanding. Certain things have to be accepted by our own experiences in relation with the masters experiences. We may not find a suitable theory of science to correlate them.This is the fate of intellect. Howmuch ever we may try to understand the concept of consciousness logically, we may fall from it quite often. It is understood that it is necessary for the entire system of the physiology to get into a state of collective conscious level so as to understand the experience of the complete knowledge.

Secondly, Law of Nature or the natural law is considered to be the mother of all laws. Law of gravity is incomplete, law of relativity deals differently. But the law which governs the whole of law is Natural law. Natural law is said to be invincible. If we have to understand more on the quality of this natural law, we can extract a principle which is been proved in modern physics, or quantum physics, which is "principle of Least action". Which says that any action when expressed or acted from the most refined level, the state of unified field, the expressed action, then, is found to be more precise in line with the perfection or perfect action.

sundar said: will it not be true , if I say that Law of Nature is Manipulated accordingly to explain such contrasting natures? ( I sincerely hope I should be proved wrong here)
but I require a unbiased answer

spiritual satsang: The natural intelligence is available from the state of nothingness to the state of gross creations. It is understood that the experience of this intelligence at the relative levels are being covered by illusions (physical appearances, mind, intellect and Ego). Therefore it is required for us to realize this level intelligence in its complete level. Until we get to understand this reality to its completeness,we may have to have patience, constant practice and faith. We definitely cannot draw a line on this subject just by intellectual analysis.

The ever changing reality is forever changing. Here we have to keenly understand that the absolute doesn't in any way govern anything,It does not involve in action, it just witnesses. It is "ParaBramha". But it is a rule that the ever changing relative reality cannot exist without the never changing absolute reality.Our own existance requires a space for others to look at us, to walk around, to do any work, we require some it true or not? Just imagine if we are not allowed to move flexibly, and hence it is that space that gives us freedom, but you see that we are in no way connected to it directly. we are seperate from the space until we fail to recognize the absolute space even within our own body. The quality and characteristics of the relative and absolute are different to each other. They are wide apart. But still they are found to be living reality in every creation in life. This is what we call it as "Unity in diversity" or here we may refer, absolute reality in the contrasting and manipulated relative life. All we have the option is to realize the absoluteness in the most refined state and thats why we do the practice of meditation, whereby we transcend even the subtlest thought and arrive at that state of absolute reality.